Final piece of work


This advertisement was made using canva which is a software. Canva really helped me as pixlr was a major challenge for me to use. I really loved my final work and i am satisfied with the result. 

Here are some snaps of the progress.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The final outcome looks good because I know where your advertisement is about, however I can not see your logo in the advertisement. Also you haven't explained by each picture what you did so it is more clear for people who did not used Canva before. xx

  3. These are not screenshots or snips and you must not just photograph your screen! You have not added proper process here with the technical details and you really need to do this - your final advert should have been downloaded and added as a png or jpeg onto your blog and much more reflection is needed here and commentary

  4. You missed classes this week and you need to catch up quickly as you will need to come to project sign off meeting next week - please ensure you are ready for your meeting


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