Research on advertising

Advertising began by the ancient Egyptians using steel carving and evolved in the 1440s(1) . Advertising takes place in different forms from newspapers to magazines to television to radio(2). It works by using different mediums which provide a wealth of information, inspiration and creative ideas for readers. The information would probably cause readers to go out, visit stores and search for information online about the specific product(3). Magazines provide a visual, televisions show the product or action wanting to be advertised in action, radios fascinate the listener and newspapers show the price and description of product in an exciting manner. Advertising is defined as "To call the public's attention to your business, usually for the purpose of selling products or services, through the use of various forms of media, such as print or broadcast notices"(4). The action of adverts is to make customers aware of onesproduct or service, convince customers that ones company or product or service is right for their needs, create a desire for a product or service, enhance the image of the company as if it has a good name and announces new products or services it will sell faster, reinforce salespeople's messages, make customers take the next step (ask for more information, request a sample, place an order, and so on) and draw customers to ones business. In a nutshell advertising like most subjects has pros and cons. Advantages include promotion of sales, expansion of production, enhancing goodwill, large turnover and huge profits, information about different options and comparative prices, creation of job positions hence employment for the unemployed resulting to a higher standard of living for both the consumer owner and worker. Disadvantages on the other hand include addition to the cost of production and product as the cost is added to the price, leading to price war with several other companies, deceptive advertising which leads to unequal competition which creates a monopolistic market. Unnecessary consumption is promoted and a decline in moral values is introduced. Also controversial issues may be triggered such as sexism, racism and several other(5). A recent example with maladvertising was the 'Pepsi' commercial in 2017. People said it was a controversial advertisement that borrowed imagery from the Black Lives Matter movement and it trivialised the widespread protests against the killings of black people by the police. Pepsi was trying to project a global message of unity, peace and understanding.  The ad, posted to YouTube on Tuesday, shows attractive young people holding milquetoast signs with nonspecific pleas like “Join the conversation.” The protesters are uniformly smiling, laughing, clapping, hugging and high-fiving. In the ad’s climactic scene, a police officer accepts a can of Pepsi from "Kendall Jenner", a white woman, setting off raucous approval from the protesters and an appreciative grin from the officer. As current activists say "it was, precisely the opposite of their real-world experience of protesting police brutality". Also Pepsi was accused of appropriating imagery from serious protests to sell its product, while minimising the danger protesters encounter and the frustration they feel(6). Nevertheless advertising is the most powerful weapon in sales but before the advert comes out a lot of issues have to be discussed in order for it to be successful and not controversial.


  1. When writing it is a good idea to use paragraphs as big chunks of text are difficult to read and this is not broken up into key points - I am not sure what your key points are here - advertising is a huge subject and here you needed to focus on talking some of the important points and how this would hep you with your work - you have added images however they seem more random than related to your research - try to work out exactly what you are discussing before you start writing!

  2. There is so much information which makes it no longer clear, it is difficult to read. However
    you did find a lot of research about advertising which shows you put a lot of effort in it.


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