Art Lecture series one: Odilon redon

 About two weeks ago we had our 1/3 art lecture with Mrs Zoe. We discussed about the artist named Odilon Redon. The lecture was pre-recorded and the notes which i managed to write were as follow:

Redon made art according to himself. His inspiration was the world, nature and other things along with various artists. He was born in Bordeaux, France on the 20th April 1840. His father wanted him to become an architect but  studied sculpture instead. He returned to Paris when he was 38 years old at 1878 and gained recognition. He studied at Paris' Ecole des beaux arts but failed his exams 3 times. Jean Leon Gerome was a painter and sculptor who used academicism and orientalism style. Guardian spirit of the water (1878) gained recognition in 1879 which was his first album that gained recognition and was of lithographs. He worked very hard as it is extremely hard to gain recognition (nature and catholism). Symbolism movement in its strictest definition is a literary phenomenon. J.K. Hysmans discovered his work of Gustave Moreau and Odilon Redonand use it in his book. Redons work was described in Huysmans book. He used his work for visions and dreams, and used a lot of his work from childrens books, invented creatures and got inspiration from many things not naively. During the 1890s he started working with pastels and oils and never stopped from then onwards. In his words "blacks have the integral brilliance", but he then started using colour. He used charcoal and then pastels crushed in water in his drawings. His Ophelia painting can be used for meditation. He lived a long life until he died at age 76 in Paris from a heart failure. He became an influence to other artists.

Overall i enjoyed learning about Odilon Redon as i believe he lived a better life than mosts artists as he explored many mediums and themes for his work. Also he lived until he became old hence he had much time to influence the world with his adventurous work. I really liked his work as he explored with many mediums and created his own creatures which shows creativity and is something which is admirable. Also i believe he is useful for my work i can relate my mindset to his mindset meaning looking at other artists for inspiration in order to expand my horizons but also creating new innovative things of material i read or see.


  1. Good work on notes here - I would have liked to hear more about whether you liked this work and how it might or might not be useful to your own work


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