What do i know about fashion design?


What should i be doing in my subject area?

In my subject area i should be designing unique and revolutionary designs but also find ways to change fashion style wise but also production wise. Also in fashion design one should know how to make patterns, sew and cut to fit. Also fashion design in my opinion is all about research, as without research, even if your designs are unique you will be unable to think alternatively, open your horizons and discover things that no one has thought of.

What skills and knowledge do i need for my subject area?

I believe one needs to know how to judge quality materials and be able to distinguish from cheap materials. Also one should be considerate of the environmental damage the materials are doing and be prepared to find alternatives with less carbon footprint but also that are sustainable. The skill that is most important is talent but alternatively consciousness of what people need, will need in the near future and what they abandoned for something else. Also another skill that should be developed over time for fashion design is be able to have taste in high quality clothing that should be moving the industry forward by being sustainable.

What jobs can i get by studying this subject?

I believe after studying fashion design one can become an intern working at a brand like Prada, Chanel etc. Alternatively one can open his own store in which he or she can hire a team working for them like researching the trends in order for the designer to get inspired and think of other trends or a team to make the patters and clothes which he or she will be designing. Another job is to make a smaller business in which the designer will do everything and make custom pieces.

If I scored myself out of ten, with ten being the highest, how well do i think i know my own subject area?

If i was to score myself i would put me a 5 as i am capable of doing many of the things in my design area like research, some sewing, designing and thinking of unique ideas and then transferring them onto a maquette. Fashion design is a long road which includes many more things which i have no idea of and will learn through my years of studying. I am excited as i find fashion designing fascinating and characterise it as the necessity of the future.


  1. Good - we discussed this in class and this is good work on understanding where you are and what you need to learn for the future


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